Women's Club of Great Falls

Social ~ Cultural ~ Philanthropic Civic         

     Monthly Coffee Social at Katie's Coffeehouse

Wednesday April 23, 2025

9:30 to 11:30am - Open Format

Please join us on the back patio of The Old Brogue on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:30-11:30am for morning fun with your girlfriends. Just grab a coffee and then look for the pineapple or ask the barista how to find us. Arrive when you can, in whatever you are wearing and head out when it suits your schedule! 

The Monthly Coffee Social is open to everyone and is particularly helpful for newer members or those who want to learn more about what is going on. Register from the calendar or event email so we know how much space to reserve. For any questions contact Jen Jo at jjo@ttrsir.com If you arrive and can't find us, call or text 703.489.0935 so we can be sure to connect!

Letter from Our President

Dear Friends of the Women’s Club of Great Falls!

I am so happy we are starting the month of March. Spring is on our doorstep, and we are ready to celebrate one of my favorite holidays- Saint Patrick’s Day! I would be remiss if I don’t begin this note with an Irish toast!

Sláinte chuig na fir, agus go mairfidh na mná go deo

Translation - "Health to the men, and may the women live forever!"

This month is brimming with activities! Our monthly member meeting will be held on March 14 th at Great Fall’s best Irish pub the Old Brogue. In addition to lunch, Meghan, our Programs VP has arranged for an Irish Fiddler to entertain us during lunch!

Lauryn Nashi and Sara Overman have put together a “Prom Party” to be held on Friday, March 28th beginning at 6:30pm at the Grange. I have heard that this retro “Prom Party” has several ladies hunting down “throwback” prom dresses. I recall my “Gunnie Sax” prom dress which I thought to be the height of sophistication. Truly any dress-prom or not-is welcomed but the goofier the better and don’t forget your significant other…ruffled tux shirt? This time, we will be providing food and there will be a DJ for dancing! Just like my prom, you must supply your own liquor! Please bring a bottle of wine to share. We will need some help decorating on March 28 th to transform the Grange! Please reach out to Lauryn or Sara with questions and to sign up for the decorating committee.

The Philanthropy committee will be hosting their Lilly Shopping Event on Sunday March 30th from 4pm to 6pm at the Lilly Pulitzer store at Tyson’s Galleria. 10% of your purchase will benefit the “Make A Wish” foundation. Georgetown Cupcakes a la Lilly and bubbles will be served.

New Interest Groups and Activities

In addition to all the fun interest group activities like hiking, Walkie Talkies, Wine 101 and Bunco, we are adding a new evening book club. This book club will be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the evening and feature fun light reads. The first meeting is March 26th. Lauryn Nashi is the sponsoring member of this group.

We are also reinvigorating Outings and Adventures under the leadership of Gloria Arteaga. She is putting the finishing touches on an event in April that actually gets us out of Great Falls! We will be traveling on a party bus to the Wharf for an evening of Karaoke and other hijinks. More information to follow.

By-Law Changes

The board has been finalizing revisions to the by-laws which will be presented to membership for vote in April along with the proposed 2025-2026 slate of board members. The most significant by-law changes impact member eligibility and the VP of Philanthropy. The by-law revisions will include:

  • Member eligibility will no longer rely on the boundaries of the Langley School Pyramid but rather be defined by zip code. Women residing in the 22066 and 22102 zip codes will automatically be eligible for membership. Additionally, women outside of those zip codes can apply for membership subject to an application, support of two current members and approval by the board.
  • The Philanthropy committee will become an interest group. The interest group will have a similar focus as the current philanthropy committee. The VP of Philanthropy will be removed and replaced with a VP of “All Club Events”. This board member will be responsible for cocktail parties, outings and adventures and other one-off social events of interest to the club.

For your convenience a clean copy of the proposed by-laws and a chart of how and why current by-laws have been revised will be provided with the request for vote.

Leaders Needed

As we look towards the 2025-2026 club year, we need your help to lead interest groups. Please reach out to Katie Kachel to explore opportunities. Next year we will be creating leadership positions to shadow our VPs. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the club and the requirements of the board. Please reach out to the VP of the role you would like to shadow or anyone on the Nom Com.

In closing, I want to thank all the women who lead interest groups, you are the life blood of the club. We are so grateful for what you do!

Wishing you a beautiful spring,


Upcoming events

In the News

Club Membership

Are you a woman living in the Langley High School District or The Estates of Lowes Island?  Then join us!  We'd love to meet you. Become a member of the Women's Club of Great Falls and start having fun today!

Join Us!


Women's Club of Great Falls
P.O. Box 483
Great Falls, VA  22066

Email: info@womensclubgf.org

Our Mission Statement

To develop friendships and a sense of community among our members through social, cultural, civic, and philanthropic activities. 

Great Falls Friends and Neighbors DBA Women's Club of Great Falls

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